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Reading ¡®Waterway of Disaster, the Korean Peninsula Grand Canal¡¯

 ¡®Àç¾ÓÀÇ ¹°°á, Çѹݵµ ´ë ¿îÇÏ¡¯ ÀÐ°í ³ª¼­¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦¡¦..

 This book based on many concerns of professionals in various fields about the Korean Peninsula Grand Canal.

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Eighteen scholars contribute to this book about potential problems of the Grand Canal.

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And they are greatly concerned about the economic and environmental well being of South Korea.

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Specifically, these experts hope to prevent environmental destruction from construction of the Grand Canal.

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They have gathered to urge a halt to the construction of the Grand Canal

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They discuss why construction of the Grand Canal is not in the nation¡¯s best interest.

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They propose that we (should) plan to check the purpose and legitimacy of the construction.

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Unanimously, they call for the immediate closing of the Grand Canal Project.

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You can guess the results of construction of various canals around the world through Waterway of Disaster, the Korean Peninsula Grand Canal.

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Whether or not this construction will bring about economic prosperity and relieve the unemployment problem is stressed in the book.

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Various pictures and statistical graphs from this book will raise your attention to the destruction of cultural heritage sites and other controversial issue.

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Say again, this book hopes to prevent environmental problem.

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As you can know, this has never happened in the history of South Korea.

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Now, what do you think about the Korean Peninsula Grand Canal?

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What is the general wisdom?

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¡®Schindler¡¯s List¡¯

 ½®µé·¯ ¸®½ºÆ®

This book deals with actual events; this is true.

 ÀÌ À̾߱â´Â ½ÇÈ­¶ó°í ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

It is based on a small Polish village occupied by the German army during the Second World War.

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Schindler, a German opportunist is the story¡¯s main character.

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He took a charge of a Jewish factory which made dishes for the German army to gather wealth.

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To make matters worse, he became a member of the Nazi party.

 ±×¸®°í ±×´Â ³ªÄ¡¿¡ µé¾î°¬½À´Ï´Ù.

He bribed officers in the German army, and engaged in other immoral activities on account of taking hold of his factory.

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One day, he happened to meet Stern, a Jewish accountant.

 ±×·¯´ø ¾î´À ³¯, ±×´Â ÇÑ À¯ÅÂÀΠȸ°è»ç, ½ºÅÏÀ» ¸¸³³´Ï´Ù.

He helped Schindler to run the factory and they became friends.

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Stern made Schindler realize that the Jews were being mistreated by the Nazis and it was inhumane.

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From then on, Schindler insured the Jews against being dragged to their deaths in concentration camps.

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But it was not going to be easy.

 ÇÏÁö¸¸ ÀÌ ÀÏÀº ½±Áö ¾Ê¾Ò½À´Ï´Ù.

(At) this time Schindler bribed German officials huge amounts of money to release the captives, not to make his fortune. 

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He used a list of Jews he created with Stern¡¯s help to save the lives of many.

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Hence, we can guess the title of the book became Schindler¡¯s List for the reason.

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