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The meeting was ***

KBA¿Í KBO ȸ¿øµéÀÌ Âü°¡ÇÑ Á¤¿À ȸÀÇ°¡ ÀÖ¾ú½À´Ï´Ù.

1. Held at 12:00 in a seminar and was attended by the members of KBA and KBO.

2. The further development of women's baseball.

Here, KBA means ***

¿©±â¼­ KBA´Â ´ëÇÑ ³ó±¸ Çùȸ¸¦ ¸»ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

1. Korea Basketball Association

2. The National Baseball Association

3. The Korean Women's Baseball Association

KBO means ***

KBO´Â Çѱ¹ ¾ß±¸ À§¿øȸ¸¦ ¸»ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

1. Korea Baseball Organization

2. The National Baseball Association

3. The Korean Women's Baseball Association

They manage ****

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1. The baseball and basketball training education program in the country.

2. The further development of women's baseball.

It will be ***

ÀÌ ±³À°Àº °ð Æò»ý ±³À°°ü¿¡ ¹Þ¾Æµé¿©Áú °Ì´Ï´Ù.

1. Recognized in the School of Lifelong Education.

2. The further development of women's baseball.

Since baseball and baseball are loved steadily by so many people, ***

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1. They are trying to raise the quality of baseball and basketball through an organized educational process.

2. The further development of women's baseball.

In attendance at the ceremony, the president said that ***

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1. This project will help to progress the development of baseball and basketball through training of players.

2. The further development of women's baseball.

Training good baseball and basketball players is ***

ÈǸ¢ÇÑ ³ó±¸¿Í ¾ß±¸ ¼±¼ö¸¦ ¾ç¼ºÇÏ´Â °Ô ¾ß±¸¿Í ³ó±¸ ¹®È­°¡ °øÁ¸Çϴ ù °ÉÀ½ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

1. The first step toward a unified baseball and basketball culture.

2. A result of this ceremony

As people are highly interested in baseball and basketball, ***

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1. They will maintain and increase their interests through this program.

2. Women have also much interest in baseball and basketball these days

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